
Any function can be transformed into a tool by applying a #[tool] macro onto it

fn main() {
#[tool] // <- this is the macro
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

Then, when creating the agent, in order to supply the agent with the tool

fn main() {
let agent = rig::providers::anthropic::Client::from_env()
    .preamble("you are a friendly calculator")
    .tool(Add) // tool becomes present thanks to the macro

After that, the model is able to perform actions!

Built-in tools

ℹ️ To see all of the currently available tools, you can check Solana and EVM toolsets

Throughout rig-agent-kit follows an opinionated way of implementing tools:

  1. critical: ensuring that tools are called inside of the SignerContext block - this allows to identify the transaction signer - the owner, exposed into the closure
  2. creating a transaction for a given action
  3. executing the transaction with the TransactionSigner contained by the SignerContext (more on this in the next chapter)
  4. All of the tools return a Result<T>

Wrapping the signers is tricky, so rig-onchain-kit comes with helpers, both for EVM and Solana, arriving at this concise end-result

fn main() {
pub async fn transfer_sol(to: String, amount: u64) -> Result<String> {
    execute_solana_transaction(move |owner| async move {
        create_transfer_sol_tx(&Pubkey::from_str(&to)?, amount, &owner).await

This design allows to use different transaction signing and sending methods and ensuring highly concurrent services using rig-onchain-kit work well

Custom tools

In order to implement extra tools, you can import the helpers along with

fn main() {
use rig_tool_macro::tool;
use rig_agent_kit::solana::execute_solana_transaction;

use crate::your_package::create_your_custom_tx;

pub async fn custom_tool() -> Result<String> {
    execute_solana_transaction(move |owner| async move {
       // note: the `owner` address/pubkey is available as `String` to consume

⚠️ The tool macro acccepts only the native JSON types, like string, bool, number etc, structs and nested types are not supported, so neither a Pubkey and an Address are not allowed, those have to be parsed before passing to the corresponding transaction creators